Upcoming Events and notices
Next Meeting: Monday, December 18th 7:00 PM
City Lights Event Center, 316 2nd St SW, Aberdeen
(Exec meeting Monday, Jan 1st, 2024 - 7:00pm, same location)
Under construction.
Sons of The American Legion
There is interest in starting a Squadron
of the SAL in Aberdeen, we currently have 3 people who have expressed interest, but we need 10 to
to charter a squadron. SAL
membership is open to male descendants (including stepsons and adopted sons) of
Legionnaires, or of deceased veterans who were eligible for membership in The
American Legion - members can range in age from elementary school to
The Sons can be a dynamic,
active part of both the post and the community at large, but only if a squadron
is started. If you are interested in helping to charter an SAL Squadron
in Aberdeen, please contact the post.
Riders chapter in Aberdeen
The Aberdeen area Chapter of the American Legion Riders (sponsored by the Warner Post) meets on the SECOND THURSDAY of each month, at 7:00. The Riders are members of the American Legion Family (The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of the American Legion), as well as their spouses. Riders membership is regional, you can belong to any post, squadron, or unit in the Department (South Dakota) and still ride with the Warner Chapter. The Riders are a program of The American Legion and the sponsoring post, not a motorcycle club. While the Riders do share an enthusiasm for motorcycle riding, the primary goal is still service to the community, state, and nation.