Post Naratives (written history): 2005 2006 2007  
Post Yearbooks (photos/scrapbook) : 2005  2006 2007 

The American Legion Honor Guard rendering the 21 gun salute at Sacred Heart Cemetery during the Memorial Day services, May 26th, 2008.

2008 - 2009

(link goes to first page of each event)

Bicycle Safety Day - April 27 (9 pages)
High School Award Night - Aberdeen Central - May 6   High School Award Night - Roncalli - May 13
 High School Award Night - Aberdeen Christian - May 14
 Destination ImagiNation spaghetti supper - May 15
 Horse Racing - May  (4 pages)
 2008 Memorial Day programs - May 26 (7 pages)
 2008 Boys State - May26 to May 31
 American Legion Baseball (Smittys) - summer 2008
Department of SD Convention - June 12-15
Car Races (fundraiser) July 4th